Neighbors and nations

Making generations of new disciples of jesus among those farthest away from their savior.

Visual storytelling is a powerful way to communicate with a broad audience.  This collection of visuals conveys biblical narratives and spiritual truths in a way that’s accessible.

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There was a day when attending church was the cultural norm. People came to a church gathering when their friends invited them. They would hear a gospel message and over time some would come to faith in Jesus.

Though there are exceptions, the days of reaching those farthest away from Jesus through an invite to church are behind us.

People with non-Christian backgrounds experience social, cultural, and worldview barriers so great that the distance between them and a Christian worship environment is a bridge too far.

This reality is a major reason for the steep decline of prevailing churches and the growing number of unchurched people in our community.

For example, a group of churches in Montgomery County, Tennessee declined steadily from 10,800 to 5,200 (52 percent) in weekly attendance between 2013 and 2021, while surrounding population growth boomed and continues to increase exponentially.

While growing churches exist, member growth comes mostly from military and intracity transfers and Christian family migration, not lost souls with no spiritual background coming to faith.

The Result: While the culture has grown both in number and distance from God, the body of Christ has become less equipped to engage the growing population of neighbors, friends, and coworkers with the life changing news of the Gospel.

Is there good news to report?

Yes, the gospel of Jesus is still the power of God for salvation. And, Jesus' promise to be with us always as we go and make disciples hasn't changed.

Over the past three years, the Lord has worked through the Jesus Pattern Network to directly engage people who are far away from Jesus and activate existing believers to serve as laborers in the harvest. Followers of Jesus have been trained to have spiritual conversations and become active in praying for the lost where they live, work, and play.

Through our network partners in Nicaragua, multiple gatherings have launched in barrios from Managua to Leon. People are coming to faith in Jesus and learning how to make disciples.

In Lexington, KY, three young professionals were activated as ambassadors of Jesus, praying for and having gospel conversations with their lost friends.

Five people have come to faith in Jesus and moved forward with baptism through a microchurch that meets at a gym in North Clarksville.

A Middle Eastern refugee family is being served, prayed for, and hearing the gospel of Jesus through relationships built by network members.

An established church is developing a disciple-making culture within its body of believers that will result in multiple generations of disciple makers coming alive as ambassadors of Jesus.

But, we're just beginning!

Can you imagine the day when the Lord has raised up trained laborers in the 300 plus neighborhoods in our local area? What impact will the gospel have on future generations of Central American families as pastors and lay people learn and practice the disciple-making ways of Jesus?

We need your help to reach our 2024 campaign goal of $125,000... the Jesus Pattern Network can thrive as a partner to churches and fellow followers of Jesus from our neighbors to the nations.

With your help, we can come together as the body of Christ and witness the foundation of a disciple-making movement.

Yes! I want to help reach people who are far away from Jesus and leave a legacy of disciple making for generations to come.

There are 1.25 million people living within a 50-mile radius of Clarksville, TN.  Of those, approximately 1,177,000 (95%) are estimated to be unchurched. Montgomery County is currently home to 228,000 people with an estimated 215,000 (94%) unchurched.

Your gift will help impact lostness among our neighbors and the nations for generations to come.

Intro: the Four Seasons of the harvest

Obeying Jesus, by making disciples who make disciples, calls for intentionality.

Click here to see how we can live on mission as ambassadors for Jesus in any context.
Photo of a group of people having fun in front of the camera at Jesus Pattern

Starting Out

How we enter unique people contexts and begin loving people well.

Click here to explore some ways to kick-start habits of taking Jesus to your neighbors, friends, or coworkers.


How we start spiritual conversations, share the Good News of Jesus, and identify the disciplable.

Click here to explore current and developing planting strategy content.
Photo of seeds and plants at Jesus Pattern


How we build the habits of faith that connect people with Jesus in community.

Click here to explore current and developing grow strategy content.
Watering plants at Jesus Pattern


How we come together as a church,  multiply, and unleash new disciples and communities of faith.

Click here to explore current and developing harvest strategy content.
Photo of sunset and a grassfield at Jesus Pattern


How we equip new leaders to love and serve well.

Click here to explore current and developing training content.
A puzzle with the words Lead and Learn at Jesus Pattern

Where is God When You Hurt - Emotions Part 1

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Under the Influence: In God We Trust Part 2

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Are you under the influence of God or culture? When we lower our guard, it’s hard to know what’s influencing us—but whatever we allow to influence us, changes us.

Can You Trust God? In God We Trust Part 1

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Where am I going in Life?

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When you turn 18, your life feels like a giant question mark. So we started a vlog to figure out how to be an adult, how to know if your life is moving in the right direction—all the #adulting things.

What Is the Bible, and Why Does It Matter?

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If you’ve ever wondered, “What is the Bible? Does it matter to my life today?” You’re not alone. In the first week of The Bible: Explained, we’re unearthing what the Bible is, what it’s not, and why it’s more powerful than you might think.

Sisters 2020: Rise Up and Stand Firm

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In this timely and encouraging Sisters message from Pastor Amy Groeschel, we’ll discover how we can rise up and stand firm in our faith—no matter what trials, obstacles, or difficulties we face.